Vi er Stolte Ordblinde

2024 | 8 print on paper | 60 x 90 cm | Exhibited Vandrehallen Kunsthal, Hillerød in connection with dyslexia month 2024, Møstings Hus, Frederiksberg, 2024

We are proud dyslexics is a self-portrait series by Nymann documenting her performative act of wearing green since October 2023. The photographs show the artist with a sign representing each day of the week as a symbolic marking of dyslexia awareness. The series ends with the powerful message: We are proud dyslexics.

The green colour refers to the National Dyslexia Test in Denmark, where a person with dyslexia is given the colour red based on a red, yellow, green division. Nymann has adopted green as a symbol of dyslexia awareness


Julie Nymann

Paula Duvå

©  2011- 2022  Julie Nymann